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Thanks 2 Bidenomics Hi Gas Pump Prices New Normal?

Anyone who’s filled up the car tank recently knows that prices are still going up & WSJ warns sticker shock “could stick around for a while … as … demand for oil is outstripping supply with little promise of relief” thanks in part to Biden's unbridled war on fossil fuels.

Nor does any car owner need to be told they “are paying about twice as much for gasoline now as they were early in the Covid-19 pandemic.” Or, that the higher fuel prices are “costing consumers away from the gas pump, too, contributing to decades-high inflation on a range of goods & services.” In a separate story, the newspaper estimated the average person is paying “about $250 per month” more now for basic goods & services.

How did we get here? Let’s think “Bidenomics.” The run-up on gas prices was spurred on by supply-demand imbalances thanks to the pandemic panic & its government imposed lockdowns, sure, but the supply side shortages were triggered by a well-thought out if foolish policy shift in Washington away from Trumpian energy independence based on aggressive exploration & drilling of fossil fuels and, indeed, discouraging if not forcing its shutdown based on environmental concerns. Well, the environment still stinks as always but the stinking gas prices are going to be a “new normal” too if Bidenomics isn’t jettisoned for a more balanced energy policy that balances the supply-demand situation.

Davd Soul


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