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Thanksgiving Day Is Jesus Eternal

Jesus showed the importance of giving thanks to our Creator. Not just for us mortals, but for God Himself. Didn’t The Son of Man repeatedly thank the Father for His own life, free will, grace & daily bread … from feeding the 5K to raising the dead?


The examples in the Bible abound of Christ’s thanksgiving in good & tough times alike. Jesus, for instance, thanked God for revealing the mysteries of His Kingdom to His disciples while not so much to the learned. Before He twice miraculously multiplied a few loaves of bread & fish to feed more than 5,000 hungry men, women & children each time, Jesus first thanked You Know Who. And, while bitterly weeping at the untimely death of Lazarus, He thanked God for hearing His prayer to allow Him to resurrect His dear friend. Then, again, with visions of His impending crucifixion, Jesus solemnly thanked the Father, not only for His mission of service & as Savior, but for the chance to turn His Last Supper’s bread & wine into His Body & Blood so that we’d similarly partake with humble thanks to the Almighty Trinity for all generations to come.


Surely, Our Sweet Lord, thank you for our Thanksgiving feasts this 2024, for each other & most of all for Your eternal love.


Davd Soul


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