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The “Astounding” Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Dem sounds alarm as 55 public schools now report no proficiency in math or reading? Time to stop blaming Covid for putrid results since WAY before pandemic my Sweet Home Chicago’s schools sucked?

Indeed, the pol’s angst as recounted by Fox News that thousands of his neighbors kids can’t read or write at grad level is NOTHING NEW. And, the mayor’s blaming the Covid lockdowns are too easy a white-washing of that historical fact. On the other hand, Illinois State Sen Willie Preston, a father of six, was compelling in his argument that “Government isn’t the anthem for all things.” He told Fox: “I think that we have to reengage parents, have parents actively take a role inside the schools when they can be.”

Sen. Preston was also persuasive in adding “we [also] need to make certain that we … spend our money in the right way as it pertains to our children’s education.” That’s “our money” as in “BILLIONS” of dollars thrown into the Chicago public school sink hole without good results. But, don’t take it from the State Senator. Take the Illinois Dept of Education stats which indicated NOT A SINGLE STUDENT in 55 Chicago public schools were reported proficient in either matt or reading. Astounding in the 1960s. Astounding now.

Davd Soul


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