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The Baby Bust & Abortion Boomlet

We’re told “Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed” as birthrates are falling fast across countries, with huge economic & social consequences. And, yet many genius leaders are for more abortion than ever?


The WSJ article blunt in its assessment: “The world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant … Fertility is falling almost everywhere, for women across all levels of income, education & labor-force participation.” Said Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, U of Penn economist, “The demographic winter is coming” as an aging world population alone also means more deaths than births. The long article goes into all the horror scenarios being envisioned & remedies being bandied about, especially in the US. But, curiously, the rates of government-backed abortion policies are little more than a factoid in the mix. Maybe too touchy a subject politically to do a deep dive here?


Yet, consider an earlier WSJ story “Democrats Plan $100M Push on Abortion Rights to Win House,” in which the House Majority PAC’s new fund “will be spent in swing districts for advertising & voter mobilization.” And, without getting into the Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice weeds, a recent PBS article reported the “number of abortions performed each month is about the same as before the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade” so that “between 81,150 and 88,620 abortions took place” in the US alone each month since. Meanwhile another CNN article suggests the highest level of abortions “in over a decade” is being spurred by a “surge in medication abortion.” The point? As is so often the case with our progressive elites & their MSM allies, there’s a shocking disconnect between their fearmongering & proffered “solutions”. In this case, their population & birthing statistics seem to be urging upon us the curious wisdom in adding accelerant fuel to the population fire, i.e., by devoting more resources & creating more ways to abort life than to create it.


Davd Soul


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