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The Big Chill: Ryan On Entitlements

Paul Ryan, the unwoke wonk, awakens us to reality there’s still time to fix a $31T debt & avoid a national meltdown by chilling our entitlements addiction. Agree with his plan or no, “window” for salvation is closing?

In WSJ op ed “A Conservative Plan to Strengthen the Social Contract and Save the Country’s Finances,” Mr. Ryan says that avoiding a debt and currency crisis will require ideas and political will. Nothing new there. He said as much in 2012 during his VEEP debate with Joe Biden. But, what is refreshing is a politician who has the guts to at least outline if not detail “how leaders [today can still] couple reforms to our social safety net with economic growth.” Ryan and Angela Rachidi along with 18 center-right scholars wrote the book he references. Among other things, it provides, “concrete proposals for increasing competition in Medicare and customizing Medicaid so they can meet the needs of individual states’ populations.” The plan also calls for strengthening Social Security so it is there for current and future generations. In addition, there’s proposals for fixing our broken child-welfare system and simplifying our arcane Tax Code.

The point is that SOMEONE with ties to the DC Swamp is seriously trying to fix an entitlements “Tax and Spend” broken record that only hastens the time when a day of reckoning might not be fixable.

Davd Soul


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