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“THE” GW U Colonials Go PC Wild

Now ex-Redskin DC’s THE George Washington U is killing off its “Colonials” nickname cause it’s “offensive” to some folks yet some folks also think slave owner Geo was offensive so GW & DC need be renamed THE PCs?

Talk about misplaced priorities in today’s academia? The USA Today story fails to note how there are also numerous “George Washington” Universities around the country, but “The” GW was named by Congress in creating it. Presumably, “The” noticeably (and exclusively) in its name was meant to show how “special” it is … even though some folks think GW U in St. Louis is more “special” academically as it also rakes in vast sums of US-funded “research” for this, that & the other boondoggle from the DC Swamp. Are we all now to believe it’s the politically correct thing to do, i.e., to be PC in all our titling based on the invisible “some folks think its offensive” ground? Apparently … or, not.

Fox’s Brian Kilmeade is also one who observed THE GWU might be better off doing something constructive in making this a better world by focusing its students on “bigger issues,” including, “by doing something about its OBSCENE $82,000” a year tuition.

Davd Soul


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