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The Sane Heroes in Nashville Tragedy

Thank God Nashville cops aka heroes learned Uvalde tragedy lesson, ignored Biden’s demand to shoot for the knee cap & quickly took out the deranged murderer before it had a chance to kill more innocents?

As the WSJ op ed noted, “The cops who raced toward danger knew the lessons of Uvalde,” and that the “murder [in progress] of six people, including three 9-yr-olds, by a deranged attacker at a Christian primary school … is another sign of mental illness unleashed.” Unfortunately & YET AGAIN, “many on the left & right barely paused in horror before renewing the nation’s culture wars on gun control & now transgender politics, not that any insight has been the result.”

Indeed, the MSM made much mockery of Christian “prays” in the wake of this latest tragedy & many of the prayerful maybe saw it as another warning from above about other peoples’ “sinful” ways. But, leave it to the WSJ to put the spotlight where it belonged: “The heroes in Nashville were the police, who were on the scene quickly. With great discipline & courage, they entered the building, ran toward the shots and killed the attacker once she was cornered.” And, yes, let us horrified but still sane folks praise the Lord for giving us the wisdom to see through the foolishness of the demagogues & strength to endure it.

Davd Soul


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