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Those Waiting For Russian Regime Change Wait 4 ‘Dire’

While the WSJ op ed notes the 3 times Russia “botched” a war it had a revolution, our leaders & MSM pundits might check false hopes for a sudden regime change today as each time the nation’s situation then was best described as “dire” & not “inconvenient”.

While conceding the authors’ premise “history shows conflicts that begin far from Moscow can quickly blow back at home,” it’s not so convincing that “today’s headlines echo many wars in the Russian and Soviet past,” at least, “headlines” do not a revolution make and smell a bit like a dish called “wishful thinking”. Cited & analyzed in the article by Peter Landers and Alastair Gale are the upheavals in Russia directly relating to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904; World War I starting in 1914; & the decades long Soviet misadventure in Afghanistan from 1979-89 (which the US sort of repeated). The first humiliation by Japan was so decisive it forced the czar to not only give up land, but absolute power & 15 years later, the abject human suffering caused by Russia’s involvement in WWI & its ancient serfdom society would cost him & his family its life. The Afghan fiasco 50 yrs later was also key to triggering the breakup of the USSR.

And now? Pentagon is quoted that over 15K Russian soldiers have been killed. Some suffer from frost bite. And, the West’s sanctions, we’re told, are “crippling” Russia’s economy, while protests at home continue to grow. The key words are “we’re told”, i.e., by the West’s oft-mistaken MSM that as of today (ABC, MSNBC) still says Justice Kavanaugh is ”credibly accused” of sexual assault. They are correct in citing a brave Ukraine military defense as well as sanctions-induced disruptions in Russian life & business. But, dire? With China, India, Iran, OPEC, Venezuela & others still in Putin’s pocket?

Davd Soul


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