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Time 2 Trump NY AG’s Victimless Crime?

As promised in election campaign, NY AG Letitia James sued Trump & his kids in civil court for inflating assets when applying for business loans, even tho NY’s federal prosecutor found no victim or crime? Who da fraud?

As the WSJ op ed noted: “New York’s AG found her defendants first, then looked for evidence to charge them with something.” The editors recall how “Ms. James ran for office promising to indict Mr. Trump, which is the opposite of the way justice should be done. You’re supposed to find a crime and then identify the perpetrator. Ms. James declared Mr. Trump indictable “for criminal offenses” and “has hunted ever since for a crime to charge him with.” Even then, she notably made her bed in civil rather than criminal court where the standard of proof is much lower.

No doubt, anyone who ever listened to him talk about his business dealings, is surprised to hear Mr. Trump “hyped the value of his holdings in dealing with bankers.” However, if the old saw “it takes one to know one” has any staying power today, Ms. James might be guilty as charged, too. As the WSJ concluded, that doesn’t mean a civil let alone criminal suit should have been instituted. “As far as we’ve seen, the lenders don’t seem to consider themselves victims … and made money on the loans.” A victimless crime then? It’s ok for a grandstanding AG to concede in the end it’s not worth spending more public money or time on what Mr. Trump calls an ongoing “witch hunt.” Time for a judge now, to step in and step on Ms. James’ overreaching legal theory?

Davd Soul


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