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Time 4 Teachers 2 Recall Greater Good, Get Kids Back In School, Play Politics LATER?

Is it time for teachers as well as police unions to take a coronavirus bullet for the greater good? Is there any doubt that Democratic-controlled unions are a formidable barrier to some good reform ideas to weed out the few bad cops out there? Ditto now for the teachers’ unions who are lobbying the Democratic pols they are in bed with to keep our kids out of the schools this fall? Even though overwhelming science and stats now point to the coronavirus posing little threat to children while isolation and lack of classroom education is depressing the hell out of them & turning all into couch potatoes?

To be fair, it’s also time for local communities to give MORE money to the cops to “serve and protect” us, not defund them. And, it’s time for the teachers to get more pay under better conditions (especially my brilliant special ed daughter). BUT, using the coronavirus pandemic as a collective bargaining chip … which is what’s really behind too many union leaders’ disingenuous “our first job is to protect the children” talking point…is nothing but fear mongering for their own selfish gain at the EXPENSE of the children.

What about the ballyhooed virus threat to older teachers who ARE at risk, even though the science suggests kids are the least likely to spread the disease? Well, da. Those older teachers or those with other at risk problems like diabetes or obesity of course need to take leave or retire early. No teacher is irreplaceable though & there are tons of graduates eagerly looking for jobs. It’s also a good time for administrators to weed out the few incompetent teachers (their police superintendent counterparts could do the same). But, this call to recall the greater good ain’t rocket science, folks. And, it shouldn’t be about brass tacks politics.

Davd Soul


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