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Time Climate Change Physicians Healed Self?

Two WSJ op eds were esp intriguing in that one asked whether “climate can heal itself” & the other pointed to hypocrisy of progressives denying how their forestry policies hurt climate more than a boatload of gas-guzzling Camaros.

As Andy Kessler wrote: “Earth has been around for 4.5 billions years – living organisms for 3.7 billion. Surely, an enlightened engineer might think, the planet’s creator built in a mechanism to regulate heat, or we wouldn’t still be here to worry about it.” Of course, modern man has invented new ways to trash the environment. But, as Mr. Kessler pointed out, Mother Earth has similarly wreaked its own havoc on the environment since forever with assorted meteor strikes & volcano eruptions, as well as the afore-mentioned forest fires. Then, there’s the El Nino versus La Nina dynamics & how they trigger/mitigate hurricanes, etc. etc. One of Kessler’s main points is simply to raise the Q: “What If” Joe Biden, John Kerry, et al are simply wrong in unequivocally declaring “global warming is an existential threat” to earth’s survival?

Enter the WSJ’s editorial board, which in a separate piece titled “Wildfires & Progressive Climate-Change Deniers”, points out how “CO2 emissions from fires [fueled by counter-productive forestry policies] overwhelm the cuts from [mandated] regulations.” As the editors concluded: “Progressives are proclaiming that the smoky skies engulfing the eastern U.S. from Canadian wildfires are another sign that the climate apocalypse is nigh. Instead, they’re a reminder that government policies to mitigate the impact of natural disasters matter more than those to reduce CO2 emissions.” Not surprisingly, they add, “This hardly gets a mention in media reports, nor from anti-fossil fuel politicians.” What’s that saying, “Climate Change Physician, Heal Thyself?”

Davd Soul


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