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“Tired” Joe Lets Maduro Keep Oil Windfall

Confiscating Maduro’s jet rightly signaled the dictator’s needed ousting after rigging recent election & imprisoning 2K opponents. But, Biden does nothing about feeding Mad Man $2.7B in secret Chevron oil deals keeping him in power.


So, suggested the WSJ’s recent op ed, “Latin America Keeps Going South.” It basically argues “Biden fiddles while trouble grows in Mexico & Venezuela.” Might not the editors add Brazil to that growing list after that nation’s dictator banned X & confiscated Starlink assets, thereby forcing Elon Musk to whisk his employees out the country?


But, back to Venezuela & Joe Biden’s & VP Kamala Harris’ weakness that is emboldening these South Americans. As the WSJ noted: “Nicolas Maduro is expanding his terror in Venezuela, despite having lost the July 28 presidential election to former diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. The regime has round up more than 2,000 opposition demonstrators & leaders, who have disappeared into the country’s prisons. Twenty-seven protesters are dead. [And] Maduro issued an arrest warrant for Gonzalez Urrutia.” Meanwhile, almost incomprehensibly, “the US Treasury has issued licenses to more than 10 companies to operate in the country. The largest is Chevron, which by the end of this year is expected to be pumping some 200,000 barrels of oil per day, 25% of the country’s output. Chevron’s contract with the regime is secret, but oil watchers estimate that in the last 18 months its production has generated some $2.6 billion” for Maduro. In short, kicking the dictator in his jet’s tires was nice, but tell us, how many tires can he buy with $2.6B in Chevron grease?


Davd Soul


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