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Title 46 Biggest Obstacle To Border Peace?

As Supreme Title 42 ruling looms & its 1 finger in border wall only thing preventing its collapse, columnist McGurn notes DOJ’s briefing opposition to it ensures “It’s Joe Biden’s Border Now” as the “border will soon be open.”

News flash for Mr. McGurn: The southern border has been “open” since Joe took over the WH. The Trumpian Title 42 Covid crisis excuse used to quickly expel at least some migrants crossing illegally was always a stop-gap measure; and, hardly an air tight one. As the WSJ columnist explains about the expected U.S. Supreme Court ruling declaring the emergency measure is now invalid because it is no longer based on a health emergency: “Everyone understands this [open border reality], including the would-be migrants massed along the Rio Grande & the overwhelmed border communities such as El Paso, Texas. They are awaiting the Supreme Court’s ruling on Title 42’s merits, a power used to expel migrants who have entered unlawfully before they apply for asylum. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration signaled Title 42 is on its way out.”

On Tuesday & by a 5-4 vote, the Justices again decided to keep Title 42 in force temporarily, this time, pending its procedural review as to whether overrun states have standing to intervene in litigation challenging the legality of the Trump Covid measure. Of course, as McGurn also notes, this Title 42 drama “perfectly encapsulates” the nation’s broken immigration system and “all the dysfunction of America’s immigration regime” that should have been fixed by Congress a decade ago. No matter, concludes McGurn: “Congress doesn’t really lead. A president does. [And] in his zeal to do the opposite of everything Donald Trump did, President Biden quickly transformed the border into a full-fledged crisis … the biggest obstacle,” then, to a bipartisan solution is “Joe Biden himself.”

Davd Soul


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