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Totenberg Totes Bias Line, CNN’s Stelter Foolishly Blurs It

NPR’s Nina Totenberg’s story wrongly suggesting Justice Gorsuch threatened the life of diabetic Justice Sotomayor’s by ignoring a Chief Justice Roberts’ request to “wear masks” in court is revealing one of those progressive blind spots: MSM cohorts like CNN’s Brian Stelter don’t know when to shut up on her behalf & after she’s caught doing crappy work.

Never mind that Gorsuch, Sotomayor & Roberts say Totenberg’s story is “false,” one lib reporter after another has written at some point, Stelter being the latest, how “incredibly well-sourced” her sensationalized, hedging, finger-pointing, unidentified sourcing story is. There’s a reason why the MSM is desperately trying to save Nina’s rear end on this one. And, it’s not just that folks, including the Supremes, are fed up with crappy MSM reporting.

Since I worked with the MSM’s Supreme Court correspondents for two decades as a legal journalist & media rep, including Totenberg, I avoided commenting on some conflict notion. But, Stelter’s “incredibly well-sourced” comments were too much to let go. Totenberg is a S Ct Correspondent whose liberal biases are usually well-disguised (as they should be when reporting on the High Court) while many (not all) of her colleagues no longer bother to hide their policy preferences. That cover gives her a bit of extra & useful credibility, even in our era of biased reporting gone wild. For instance, when the Left needs to criticize the Supreme Court in this, that or the other case, many eyes turn to Totenberg’s published take for “the truth”, albeit as invariably, if subtly, seen through the rose colored lens of a NPR progressive.

Davd Soul


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