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Tough On Pussies NYU Prof Fired

Acclaimed NYU Prof fired cause students bitched bout low grades? Teachers who gloat over high flunk rate one thing. But, this guy bent over backwards for kids. Angry parents now bitch about school’s “low expectations”.

The NYU firing over tough testing prof, Fox News says, “lit a fuse under parents who feel the lowering of academic standards in US school is doing students no favors. It appears Professor Maitland Jones was an award-winning academic in organic chemistry who taught at Princeton for four decades before joining the NYU faculty a few years back. While at Princeton, Maitland had been known for “pioneering a new way of teaching that emphasized problem-based learning over a “lecture-memorize-regurgitate facts” style. Where I came from (UIC and De Paul University School of Law) it’s called “showing up at lectures and taking notes,” even if suffering from a nasty frat or sorority hangover.

Whatever. When students saw how badly they were creamed after test scores were published, 350 of them petitioned the school to do something about Maitland’s “high percentage of withdrawals and low grades”, not because it made them look incompetent, but because it would hurt NYU’s rep. The school read the prof the riot act. Maitland made his exams easier & suggested the kids might try harder. But, NYU fired him & offered to review the pussies’ er students’ grades as well as the chance to withdraw from the class retroactively. Typically said one angry parent: “Instead of lowering standards we should be raising them as well as our expectations ... to help each student reach his or her [or its] potential.” Notes Fox: This rash of complaints by students against professors is a growing national problem, especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic’s epidemic virtual learning mania, & raises questions on how all colleges should respond.

Davd Soul


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