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Trans Sec Butt Butts Heads With Airlines

Most folks feel Transportation Secretary Buttigeig’s pain in his recently cancelled flight thanks partly to HIS dept’s overregulation. At Chicago's ORD airport security check recently, I got frisked by the guard so zealously all that was missing was a “happy ending.”

Still, about that “crisis” in cancelled and/or delayed flights. As Mr. Buttigieg warned, his feds have the power to force airlines to hire more workers that were laid off during the fed-imposed lockdowns that forced the reduction of staffs. As Fox News noted, “travel disruptions have become more common following the coronavirus pandemic,” i.e., even more so than during it. For one, my flight last week from DC to Chicago got delayed 3 times before taking off & I can imagine the fury Butt felt when HE OF ALL PEOPLE had to rent a car to get from DC to NY … or was it NY to DC? Whatever.

Besides ORDERING airlines to hire more staff, maybe Butt could ease up on the regulation throttle so those worker bees don’t drop faster from forced lay-offs than from COVID-19?

Davd Soul


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