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Trillion Dollar Infrastructure ‘Deal’ A Show & No Tell?

Some pundit noted how “weird” it was to see a president meet the press alongside senators from both parties to announce a $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan. This certainly ain’t 1968 or even 1998, for that matter. Does anyone doubt this kumbaya moment was anything but a PR stunt that talks boldly but carries a little twig?

“What we agreed on today is what we could agree on,” said President Biden. “The physical infrastructure.” Then, came the cold water: “There’s no agreement on the rest,” as in, more than $3 trillion more to be spent on the Dems’ radical progressive wish list. “If this is the only one that comes to me, I’m not signing it.”

Well, don’t let the door hit your rear end on the way out, Joe. That’s both the radical left and right talking, not me. That is, does anyone believe the House So Hopelessly Divided is going to reach an agreement on $3 trillion in pork Mr. Biden & his left allies are still cooking up while the conservatives would rather kiss a pig’s tail?

Davd Soul


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