Trotsky Sanders Finally Makes (Un)Censorship Sense
Regulation of the Internet & social media isn’t rocket science, it simply requires common sense, balance & fairness. That’s one reason our irrationally divided Congress can’t address it constructively along with the industry gurus. And, it helps explain why Sen. Bernie Sanders came out against censoring its players, even online’s extreme radical rattle traps. It’s because unfettered media has served as his & other radicals’ sounding board for pathetically wrong policies. Bernie’s been fundamentally wrong on economics, wrong on Green New Deal & health care costs, wrong on the 2d Amendment. Yet, as the WSJ noted, “he knows Big Tech’s speech muzzling won’t only be used against the right.”
Predictably, Senator Sanders made his anti-censorship pitch in the globalist New York Times & even criticized Twitter’s January ban on then-President Donald Trump, saying: “I [do not] feel particularly comfortable about that.” That was big of the career revolutionary who prefaced his comments by calling Mr. Trump (and, indeed, anyone who disagrees with his Marxist ideas) “a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a pathological liar, an authoritarian…”
Well, in a sense & in Trotsky Sander’s radical world, that rant stands for common sense, balance & fairness. Yet, he did finally get 1 thing right: “Yesterday, it was Donald Trump who was banned & tomorrow it could be somebody else who has a very different point of view.”
Davd Soul
