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True: Chicago Black School Sends All Grads 2 College

Chicago’s Providence St Mel continues to be proof inner city kids can outperform white high schoolers & kick their butts in getting college scholarships, especially given the chance to ignore the gangbangers who try to get in their face thanks to a "zero tolerance" school policy.

Fox News’ “Rooftop Revelations” series Day 73 with Pastor Corey Brooks argues the private school’s record of success on Chicago’s impoverished West Side puts a lie to racial equity advocates & their lowered standards. The Pastor wondered: “How can stigmatizing blacks as inferiors inspire them to reach great heights?” In contrast, he noted, since 1969 when the Catholic school was turned over to independent owners, St. Mel has pursued a “zero tolerance” for misbehavior on campus and pursued “academic rigor” so rigorously that, in 2019, the school sent its entire senior class to colleges on academic scholarships. True. Name a white school in any big city that can say that.

“We do not lower standards,” said Principal Tim Ervin who had joined Pastor Brooks in his rooftop protest. As a result, “many of our students also receive college scholarship dollars & many are accepted to the top 50 colleges in the country … President Reagan visited the school in 1982 because he heard about the success [here] … & was so impressed he returned in 1983 & was pleased that 44% of recent graduates wanted to pursue a science-related career. Reagan was later quoted as saying about the school: “Poet Tennyson said, ‘I dipt into the future, as far as the human eye could see, Saw a Vision of the world, & all the wonder that would be.’” Amazingly, concluded Mr. Irvin: “100% of our students do get accepted into 4-yr colleges & universities.” Name a white school in any big city that can say that, too.

Davd Soul


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