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Trump Beats Biden & The World If He Beats Himself?

Most polls now suggest Donald Trump crushes the closest 2024 GOP presidential wannabe & he’d beat No. 46 if the election were held today. Yet, the Big election tipping Q is who independents would wind up voting for as Biden’s standing among them craters but still give Trump a net thumbs down, too. Time No. 45 puckers up?

Not that Mr. Trump has his hat in the ring for sure or has ever taken the advice to soften his combative modus operandi … the biggest thing that turned the indies from GOP to Dem in 2020 … at least, to any great extent. (His “Forgotten Man” speech may have been the one late, great but oft-forgotten exception.) So maybe The New York Times finally got one right in saying “Trump’s self-inflicted wound” that cost him the 2020 election continues to be his “losing swing” aka independent voters “as he plays to his base.”

Still, it’s (been) unfathomable to think a man with such favorable ratings on his “policies” can’t read Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and find a way to do what’s necessary to regain the White House. Frankly, Mr. Trump should know by now that he could thank Nancy Pelosi on bended knee for her two fake impeachments and HIS BASE WOULD STILL VOTE FOR HIM.

Davd Soul


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