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Trump Clout Holds Strong, Tribes Still Need Boost?

President Trump’s pollster told Fox News his GOP supporters are now divided into “5 Tribes” & that a slight majority of those folks would still back him in a 2024 comeback campaign. Problem is, he added, Mr. Trump’s retained clout within the party is not “universal” or “homogenous” (as if it ever was). Nor does the pollster take into account what we might call the “Pew Research Tribe” consisting of suburban Independents Mr. Trump largely lost in 2020.

Still, the poll by Tony Fabrizio is being cited as good news for the former president & his ability to keep exerting “tremendous influence” over his party. It identifies the GOP Tribes as “Trump Boosters”, “Diehard Trump(ers_)”, “Post-Trump GOP”, “Never Trump(ers)” and “Info Wars Trump(ers)”. Tony leaves it to the reader to total the math percentages he compiled:

The “Die Hards” make up 27% of those polled & would “definitely” vote Mr. Trump into the WH again. “Trump Boosters” make up 28% of the poll respondents & while most like Mr. Trump’s job performance these past four years, they’re more hopeful for the party’s prospects than Trump’s. About 20% were ID’ed as “Post-Trump GOPers” & have a positive opinion of the former president, but feel the GOP should move beyond him in the next election. The “Never Trumpers” are still about 15% & another 10% are “Info Wars GOP” who buy into the various conspiracy theories about the 2020 campaign. Of course, 2024 is a long way off & these numbers will certainly go up & down until then.

Davd Soul


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