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Trump: Federal Budget Makes “Zero” Sense

Jimmy Carter’s “zero-based budgeting” innovation went nowhere largely because The Swamp & Congress ignored his “request.” Trump “flipped the script on the busted budget process” by freezing many woke-go-broke expenditures whilst “investigating” spendthrifts.


It's not that presidents & both parties haven’t taken shots at properly managing the federal budget, but they’ve not only misfired, they’ve also repeatedly shot the taxpayers & themselves in the foot so that the deficit now exceeds $31 trillion & counting. The WSJ recently called attention to President Trump’s having learned his lesson in his first term & is now “trying to make changes on his own,” i.e., via a stunning wave of executive orders during the first 10 days in office. Those moves potentially froze “trillion of dollars, especially affecting existing financial assistance programs, until lawsuits were filed & a federal judge enjoined the plan. On Wednesday, the White House revoked the freeze because of the chaos reported among state & federal agencies dealing with Medicaid, emergency aid & low income education/nutrition services.


As in the days of the Carter Administration, the paper notes, Trump’s top advisers think the US budget has become so contorted – allowing the budget to become so bloated – that they need to wrest parts of it from Congress’s control to make changes that are long overdue.” Call it what you want, but it waddles, quacks & flies like Jimmy’s zero-based budgeting idea. “What they are doing is what a lot of people do who are not in the government,” explained former Sen. Judd Gregg, who once chaired the Senate Budget Cte. “You go back to the beginning & look at what you are spending money on, and then spend it. The way it usually works [with government however] is, ‘spend the money, spend it all, and then ask for more next year.’” And they wonder why the federal deficit is insanely high?


Davd Soul


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