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Trump & Harris Fed Debt Hail Marys

Federal debt’s soaring yet hardly a peep out of Trump or Harris about it because both helped it grow. Trump needed to rebuild neglected military is his excuse and Bidenomics Harris might have one if global warming wasn’t worsened rather than offset by those policies.


Still, you’d think all their talk of “plans” would include at least some serious discussion on the existential need to stabilize if not reverse the nation’s $32 trillion dollar debt. WSJ’s Richard Rubin recently advised us to not hold our breath for an epiphany moment by one or the other presidential candidates since “neither is likely to reverse that trend if elected.”


As usual, the nation’s finger pointing economists & pols are largely divided along partisan lines, some saying Trump will explode the national debt, despite his “vision” of again “growing the economy,” & others saying Harris will have to rob banks as well as tax the rich into oblivion to offset her progressive penchant for outspending the Got Rocks. From this view on Mount Olympus, it looks like “growth” rather than “taxation” is the better Hail Mary. At least Mary knew how to keep her financial house in order.


Davd Soul


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