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Trump Immunity: Ant Under Elephant’s Foot?

WSJ says Supreme Court was “right to rule on Trump’s [criminal] immunity claim” while punting on predicting outcome. You read it here first: Majority WILL extend its landmark civil immunity to criminal cases but not for REAL vs POLITICAL “insurrection”.


Hence, Donald Trump will trump Special Counsel Jack Smith’s political prosecution of his Jan 6 actions/inaction & the progressive DC Circuit’s earlier ruling ignoring such a Rule of Law. Yet, the editors warn, it won’t be a slam dunk case either way: “You can’t say the current Supreme Court lacks courage. The safe political play for the Justices would have been to dodge the issue of Trump’s immunity from prosecution. But they decided to hear his appeal on the merits of the law & presidential power, though a ruling is sure to infuriate one side or the other.”


The editorial board explains: “Democrats were hoping the Justices would pass on the case & let the recent DC Circuit Court of Appeals against immunity [from criminal allegations while POTUS] stand. But as we warned [in an earlier op ed] the sweeping & dismissive nature of the DC Circuit ruling made it more likely that the High Court would take the case. And, here we are.” Exactly. Political progressive jurists in nation’s capital AGAIN made the mistake of trying to kill an ant they don’t like with a sledgehammer. Big mistake. HUGE. Now, for the envelope, please …


Davd Soul


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