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Trump Is No Stonewall Jackson

No sooner did Trump take MSM to task for “twisting” his words to demonize him than wokesters went berserk over Fox News’ Jesse Watters in on air interview saying US Generals in the War Room would “have their way” with a “paralyzed” Harris.


Anyone ever hear the expression used ad nauseum in NFL, NBA, NHL & MBL broadcasts? Yet, the expression was said to be a vile sexist remark by Watters and some commenters argued he should be “fired.” Well, maybe so, maybe no. But, might there be more weighty issue the woke might be concerned about? Like getting back to the incessant as well as ridiculous demonization of No. 45 by you know who?


Consider the bizarre claim, often seen in social media & included in many MSM stories, that Trump will not give up the White House in 2028 should he win again in 2024. Da. Exactly who is living in the WH today? Did the DC police have to drag Donald & Melania out of the Lincoln bedroom & throw them onto Pennsylvania Ave after Joe sleep walked his way to the presidency? Still, as a for instance & cited as “evidence” of Trump’s intentions is the interview Trump had with Dr. Phil in which he said, “If you vote for me you’re only gonna have to vote one time.” He made a similar comment at a Turning Point Action event in July. As the Fox News coverage noted, “Some commentators portrayed this as a statement that if he is elected again there will be no more elections because he will never give up power.” In the exchange between Trump & Dr. Phil addressing those comments, they clarified that Trump was telling his audience to “vote for me this one time … and I’ll fix” all the chaos they are seeing in the Biden Administration. “Of course there will still be elections.” Put another way, Trump does NOT see himself as an immovable General “Stonewall” Jackson in the First Battle of Manassas, a HUGE Confederate victory over the Union. But, should we worry that J.D. Vance will barricade himself in the White House in 2028?


Davd Soul


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