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Trump Judge Finally Trashes Biden Mask Mandate

It took a Trump-appointed judge to unmask the Biden mask mandate on airplanes & other public transportation, but the jurist’s compelling dismantling of the government’s overreach was PLAIN from the get go as numerous legal experts had warned.

What took so long? If you consider the WSJ’s review of Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s ruling (which, btw, was pretty much suggested months ago on the newspaper’s editorial pages), you might be forgiven for wondering why it took this long to be handed down. First & most of all, because the CDC clearly never got the authority from Congress under the Public Health Service Act of 1944 to broadly mandate masks. It’s an agency, not a legislative body, although don’t tell activist judges or progressives like Biden that. Yet, the CDC, with Biden’s & Dr. Fauci’s insistence, insisted it had the “right” to tell millions of Americans to wear masks anywhere & whenever it said so. And the lambs that we are pretty much complied until the CDC couldn’t help itself in EXTENDING its transportation mandate rules yet again, this time, until May 3, even though the tidal wave of scientific research (as well as popular opinion) said “enough is enough.”

Suggested the editors: “The Biden Administration should also hire more lawyers who understand that the courts are [finally] looking more closely at sweeping federal orders that clear statutory justification,” including the OSHA vaccine mandate struck down [earlier] by the Supreme Court. “President Biden may want to govern with a pen and a phone ala Barack Obama, but he’ll suffer more legal defeats without a clear command from a law written by Congress.”

Davd Soul


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