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Trump Needs Kramden Aha 4 WH Run?

Big reason Trump stumped Hillary was at end of 2016 campaign he let HER yap about FBI while he closed HIS trap. Hard at times to tell ‘em apart since. Tuesday’s 2024 bugle aside, Indies want Statesmen not whiners. And, mid-terms showed once again the centrists will be needed for No. 45 to reach 51% & regain the WH so he can put his mostly good policy plans where his mouth should always have been.

Won’t the “electoral college” nuance put Mr. Trump over the top as it arguably did in 2016 in a Biden rematch or another Democratic stiff sends him to Shady Rest? Please. The EC did nada for Trump in 2020. Nor did the belief things under Democratic control would be so obviously bad that even Never Trumpers “won’t have any choice but to vote for me” argument Mr. Trump made in the 2020 campaign. Didn’t happen then, won’t likely happen again in 2024, despite what Fox’s Dan “Things Ain’t Bad Enough” Bongino said was the reason the GOP mid-terms were so disappointing.

As The New York Times opined, “Trump is at a precarious moment.” It’s one last chance at redemption that will take at least ONE BIG CHANGE, however unlikely. Consider The Honeymooners’ Ralph Kramden. The ambitious bus driver was right in admitting to himself & to wife Alice the reason behind his consistently failed business schemes & inability to “hit the high note”. If only Mr. Trump would have that self-awareness epiphany, turn to his ex-First Lady & shout, “Melania, I’ve got a BIG MOUTH.” With just that leap into being a kinder human being who can take the high road (e.g., no more “DeSanctimonious” cheap shots), the brawler’s path back to the WH might be much more likely.

Davd Soul


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