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Trump Needs To Change or Low IQ Wins?

The WSJ editors have seen enough in their op ed “Will Donald Trump Blow Another Election?” Kamala Harris’s stinking poll numbers have suddenly turned to Shinola. And, “The former president doesn’t know how to respond,” they say, other than “she’s got a low IQ.”


Recall the Biden Debate Debacle, in which No. 46 looked & quacked like a duck who had been hit over the head by a mean hunter (no pun intended) but since a once clueless VP replaced him as her party’s leader, it’s No. 45 who walks & whines like an empty bottle of Cracklin’ Rosie. The editors opined Mr. Trump SHOULD be running away with the election since Ms. Harris has few accomplishments to brag about and has a past that would make Trotsky smile. More immediately, she is inevitably tied to Mr. Biden’s many botches, including progressive mandates on steroids, family-crushing inflation, a literal invasion of illegal aliens thanks to an open border policy, pampering antisemitism campus rioters, and letting two regional wars break out under his watch. Yet, instead of hammering away at these failures (and, reminding voters of HIS accomplishments), Mr. Trump seems “unnerved … as he scrambles but fails to find an attack line that works.” So, what the voters get is the Trump personal one-liners, “as if the school-yard insult will persuade anyone” other than his base.


The editors go on. “Picking gratuitous fights … griping about his impeachments & Democratic prosecutions.” It’s as if Mr. Trump “thinks he’s still leading in the polls against a feeble incumbent” & could care less about winning critical Independent votes. But, in doing so, he forgets 2020 & the history of Democrats voting in overwhelming numbers in lock step for their party’s candidates no matter how incompetent, delusional or narcissistic. How else to explain Democratic machine-like control of the nation’s biggest cities over the past century & presiding over their irrepressible decline? But, isn’t that inability to face reality and change the problem Mr. Trump himself is advised to overcome? Ignoring this advice is at Mr. Trump’s peril.


Davd Soul


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