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Trump Prosecutor Spreading Disinformation?

Ain’t the problem in indicting Trump for allegedly lying about election & triggering Jan 6 riot is that Lyin Joes & Band of Bros in Congress (& allies in MSM) could also be charged for every one of their dumb ideas that backfire?

Frankly, I almost gagged on a swig of my beer when at a bar staring at a CNN “news” broadcast. Lo & behold was the usual balding legal hack, wearing a cheap, rumpled suit, seemingly dug up from Foggy Bottom. He sternly argued essentially there was no question but that special prosecutor Jack “The Ripper” Smith’s second indictment of Mr. Trump was a brilliant enforcement of “the law” … never mind that the various “obstruction” or “undermining” provisions are broader than the Potomac River. Meanwhile, dressed for success in a dark power suit while opining on Fox News, GW Law Prof Turley warned just as sternly : “The most jarring thing about this indictment is it basically just accuses [Trump] of disinformation … spreading disinformation” to people in general. Turley concluded: Even if true, “Undermining the integrity of the election [like that] is all part of the First Amendment.” The prof didn’t say that spreading disinformation is what all politicians & crappy media pundits do on a regular basis, thereby misleading the public & perhaps causing crappy schools, health crises, global warming (or cooling), recessions, suicides, riots & even wars, but added, “I think that the courts will look skeptically” at this slippery prosecutorial slope.

Well, perhaps the CNN “expert” will be right. That is, an activist trial and/or appellate judges may very well let a misled jury conviction of No. 45 stand. That is, before the case finally gets before the US Supreme Court, where a majority overturns the entire exercise in prosecutorial overreach on Constitutional grounds, as the good professor suggests.

Davd Soul


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