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Trump’s Bond Unicorn Behind 8 Ball?

NY Dem trial judge’s refusal to ease appeal bond requirements on unprecedented $464 MILLION Trump cvil fraud judgement not only reeks bias, but is likely Cruel & Unusual Punishment under same 8th Amendment that libs love to run up the flag pole.


Hence, if the NY appeals court doesn’t say so, U.S. Supreme Court will? Many legal experts interviewed by Fox News think so. Noted one in particular, “not even the richest man in the world has $464 million lying around.” Tell that to NY AG Letitia James who knowingly, almost gleefully threatens to “seize” Trump’s real estate to satisfy the judge’s bail terms. Of course, the leftist elites at NY Times & Washington Post will undoubtedly dig up their own mouthpieces to opine in agreement with James. Not that Trump minds them proving his point about “witch hunt” progressives.


Yet, there’s one thing EVERYONE can probably agree on: The whole sorry state of affairs is what’s known in legal circles as a “unicorn” or unprecedented matter. “There has never been a judgment of this magnitude against a company or individual in the history of New York,”  said criminal defense lawyer David Gelman,” so we are really in uncharted territory.” Ah, but tell that to the hack jurists & prosecutors & MSM allies in New York.


Davd Soul


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