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Trump’s ‘Candle In the Wind’ Moment?

Ever watch a flickering candle & marvel how SOMEthing holds flame together? What if Big D canned chaos, chose common sense tact that'll stick instead?

Independents can dream, can’t they? So many millions helped Mr. Trump get elected president in 2016 in the hopes he’d “shake up” & lessen the influence of the DC Swamp. But, the discipline to consistently use common sense needed to hold that strategy together for 4 long yrs was too often MIA. As the radicalized progressive Swamp piled on the chaos with more Russkie nonsense of its own, Mr. Trump took the bait hook, line & sinker, much to the independents’ ire in 2020. And, if the WSJ is right in saying Mr. Trump continues in arrested development when fighting off the latest legal battle aimed at him, expanding his base to roughly over 50% needed to be re-elected may be another pipe dream in 2024.

To recap, the paper’s story line, Mr. Trump’s legal strategy to fend off the NY DA’s latest assault on his character as well as freedom mostly “employs a rotating cast of lawyers without a clear leader; ‘He plays his own captain.’” Where’d we hear that before? Yet, common sense to any average lawyer (or real estate developer) would tell him or her the DA’s case sucks, can certainly be defeated in a trial court and/or on appeal, and the independents of the world would give Mr. Trump far more credit if he’d for once show he can grow in life, if not the office. Dare we say this? Electorally speaking, Mr. Trump would be better off letting his mouth pieces do the talkin’ this time around so that his own flagellance doesn’t accidentally blow out what’s left of Everyman’s flickering anti-Swamp flame?

Davd Soul


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