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Trump’s VP Barack Vance Will Do Fine

While Obama & Vance have different colored skin, as junior senators they are much like two peas in a pod having gotten on to a presidential ticket after rising out of poverty & graduating as Ivy Leaguers. So, what’s this about JD being “too inexperienced”?


Actually, a Fox Five panelist noted that Vance may be even more experienced than Obama at this stage in their careers on the assumption being a successful venture capitalist is more a presidential prep than community activist. I’m not sure about that, but I am sure the WSJ editorial board didn’t make the same mistake as the condescending liberals are making in underestimating Vance. The editors argued Trump’s 39-yr-old running mate is a “curious choice” since Vance “isn’t from a swing state & won’t do much to broaden the MAGA policies. They ask “would Vance be ready to lead the country if the worst happened?


Of course, it’s a silly question to ask of an Ivy League Law standout, US Marine machine who kicked butt in Afghanistan, transformed himself into a successful venture capitalist,  wrote a best-selling biography (Hillbilly Elegy) that’s been turned into a Netflix movie, then, got elected Senator of a huge state.  If Obama can do it in the Swamp, then, why can’t Vance? BUT, the biggest flub by the WSJ was in going on to express “concern” about this or that policy, like abortion or immigration. The flub is in not seeing the forest from the trees, i.e., over analyzing hypothetical what ifs on specific issues, rather than focusing on the total man or woman & his or her ability to learn, to grow, to adapt. Aren’t those the defining qualities the key to presidential potential? If not, then, Obama was a lie, no?


Davd Soul


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