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Trump Tears Down Christie ala Reagan

Is Donald Duck’s statesman-like response to Christie’s cheap shot for not attending 2d GOP presidential debate a sign of a maturing adult? If so, the former POTUS might just take Joe to the woodshed in 2024 instead of other way around.

Mr. Trump’s rant-less reaction to Mr. Christie’s “triple-dog-dare,” basically calling him out for lacking cajoles, was remarkable; not just because Trump the Statesman was LOOONG overdue, but because his reply this time was rational without ducking the accusation. As a Reagan would likely have done. If the “new Trump” is real, it will resonate with the needed Indy voters, whereas the “old” Trump would have replied with a “fat boy” rejoinder & turned them off ... AGAIN. Note the recent WSJ editorial bemoaning Trump’s provocative name calling habits on “Trump Social.” Not this time. Whether one agrees with Mr. Trump’s post-debate comeback in a Fox News interview Wednesday night, it reasonably scored points from a policy & political perspective. Here you go:

“Anybody that would come up with that nickname shouldn’t be running for president,” said Trump. “I thought it was much more important, considering I have a 56-point lead, for me to be dealing with the UAW & the fact that the Biden Administration is going to destroy their jobs over the next two years by going all electric vehicle.” Got it. Well spoken. Almost sounds like the short & sweet (with a touch of humor) comeback was penned by Ronald “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall” Reagan’s speechwriter Peter Robinson. Well, almost, considering The Gipper & The Lipper are miles apart in style if not policy. Is a new Trumpian game afoot, then? Or, more counter-productive foot in mouth one-upmanship still on the table?

Davd Soul


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