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Trump The Terrible Turns Truth Tamer

Is Trump’s meeting with struggling Speaker Johnson “meant to quell House GOP disarray” also a sign of a maturing politician who earlier showed leadership quality in his game-changing abortion manifesto?


Put another way, is No. 45 realizing the secret sauce in governing let alone winning elections is being able to “agree to disagree” and to “compromise” when it’s the only realistic option? As the WSJ suggests, Trump accepted an overture by Johnson to “turn a previously planned meeting into a public show of unity” as the Speaker “grapples with fallout among House conservatives over a national-security spying law & aid to Ukraine. Is it a coincidence that Trump opposition to that spy law was removed in a favorable Friday House vote? Johnson is also apparently wanting to highlight his more widely popular stance on keeping noncitizens from voting legislation rather than the MSM’s focus on his threatened Speakership. And,this meeting is supposed to do just that as it resonates with the current Trump Team. “Any time we’re talking process & not talking inflation, we’re losing,” one Trump ally was quoted as saying. Said another person close to Trump, “We don’t need any more reason to be polarized.”


A newly more diplomatic Trump? Especially after the WSJ’s Kim Strassel gave him a positive review on his embracing “states’ rights … to show that Democrats are the radical ones” on the divisive abortion issue? If so, it’s shades of the latter days of the 2016 presidential campaign & perhaps harbinger of more such common sense if not realpolitik to come.


Davd Soul



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