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Trump Trumped By Trumpian Allure?

The media is awash with stories on how Trump’s endorsement power was “dimmed” in this week’s Gov races, but perhaps lost was the resounding note of independence struck by voters? A good Trumpian thing?

Most interesting was the WSJ’s quote of one Georgian Republican: “I usually listen to who Trump backs, but I’m not bound by it.” So maybe there’s more INDEPENDENT thinking voters out there than often presumed by the MSM and pols? You know, like those who pushed Mr. Trump over the top versus Mrs. Clinton in 2016 and, then, failed to do so to the same extent versus Mr. Biden in 2020? After all, wasn’t Mr. Trump’s “outsider” and “drain the Swamp” mantra what made him attractive to frustrated voters of BOTH parties in the first place?

As the WSJ suggested: Voters have now reminded anyone who wants to listen that they are very interested in the ISSUES and that “the traditional tenets of successful candidates such as likability, perceived electability, records and background” are also as important to them as ever.

Davd Soul


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