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Trump v Harris: Are You Better Off?

Both Trump & Harris are painfully short on detail but their signaled economic policies come down to No. 46 wanting to tame inflation & avoid a recession by getting government off everyone’s back as in term No. 1 & the VP wanting to do so anew by sic’ing it on everyone via price controls & tax increases.


Trump calls his proven approach “deregulation & free markets” while Harris says her "forward" slogan is “about democracy & equity.” Trump’s idea of detail is zingers like “drill baby drill” & “cut taxes” to help businesses & customers grow & spend, while Harris chews her ala carte salad with calls to increase taxes on the stinking rich & corporations so she & her woke allies can achieve “social justice for all” & to “save the environment”. On the other hand, the VP flipped on Joe’s War on Fracking & copied Trump’s “no tax on tips” idea. Not to be out done, the ex-pres suggested seniors should no longer be “double taxed” on their Social Security benefits. But, no one believes either is serious on those political hard sells until they see them.


If you are frustrated by all this word smithing, the vaguer the better, maybe it’s time to harken back to the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, and the famously simple question he posed when asking for your vote: “Ask yourself. Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”


Davd Soul


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