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Trump Win Dems’ Devilish Stumbling Block

Is Dem meltdown at Trump’s election a sign of a “religion” or “cult” overtaking the country? McGurn says “party elites treat Trump votes as apostasy, not policy differences.” Sociologist says calls for Dems to boycott family’s Thanksgiving more like latter.


You may have seen the Fox News coverage of social media posts, in which liberal media figures have advised Harris voters to cut off pro-Trump family members at the upcoming holidays to preserve their mental health. Naturally, “The View” hosts led the charge with that advice. But, might we suggest that if that’s the best way to deal with Mr. Trump’s EV landslide, The View folks already belong in Shady Rest.


But, it was the WSJ’s McGurn who may have come closest to hitting the nail on the head (no pun intended). Let’s not forget, he noted, that Trump to the Dem left was the devil reincarnate, “a man they called [for years] a racist, sexist & fascist …” Meanwhile, as the columnist seems to stick it in the Dems’ ear, that same devil man “not only led the national popular vote but made stunning inroads into constituencies Democrats consider theirs by right: African-Americans, Latinos, blue-collar workers, etc. Mr. Trump even won those that the experts counted on to sink him: white suburban moms.” Hey, didn’t many in Jesus’s Day call the Christ similar names, while his flock multiplied by leaps and bounds (pun intended)? And, who turned out to be the devil and who The Lamb of God? Maybe it’s in the details.


Davd Soul


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