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Two Party Stiff System Has To Go?

Warnock knocks off Walker for Ga senate seat in runoff giving Dems control of august body in DC. Yet, with those two scandal-plagued candidates, are we reminded twas battle of stiffs set up by BOTH parties' stiffs?

You’ll recall how Walker’s ties to President Trump who endorsed him were ballyhooed almost as much as his legendary college football career. But, from the get go, he was playing defense over allegations of past domestic violence with his first wife & accusations of paying past girlfriends to have abortions. He denied it all, but … Meanwhile, the incumbent Warnock’s biggest claim to fame, besides being backed by Pres. Obama & a minister at Ebenezzer Baptist Church where Rev. MLK once preached, was that he was a “ferocious fundraiser” in the vein of Chicago’s Rev. Jesse Jackson. Then, again, Warnock also faced (and denied) allegations of child abuse at a church camp overseen by him.

Even the New York Times noted these two were “flawed” candidates. Well, no one’s perfect. But, perhaps the biggest take away is that us chumbolones, especially of the Independent persuasion, are getting sick and tired of having to choose between two stiffs the two national parties keep putting up for federal office.

Davd Soul


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