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UFO Hysteria Defeats Pols Be4 1st Shot

Politicians love to be at the center of a Catch 22 like UFOs & Congressional demagoguery may be on full display during next week’s hearings as, “dadgummit,” they promise to prepare us for the worse … after suggesting it’s a lost cause.

Seriously. A Fox News story reported on a bipartisan agreement that says the feds must be more transparent about sightings & encounters with US military aircraft. Dem Rep Koskowitz & GOP Rep Burchett issued advance statements & clips, in which the former wondered “Why is the military & the government not been honest with us?” while the latter promised, “We’re going to get to the bottom of it, dadgummit, whatever the truth may be.” Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbell, host of podcast “WEAPONIZED,” told “The Ingraham Angle” that recent sightings “defy human physical realities … We know they outpace, outmaneuver and overperform any of our weaponry … We know they’re not China. We know they’re not Russia. We know they’re not ours, so what we’re looking to do is avoid a strategic surprise.”

Wait. If the aliens exist & can blow us away with unimaginably superior technology, exactly how is Elon “I’ve Seen No Evidence of Aliens” Musk going to help Congress help our terribly over-matched military avoid a strategic surprise? Wouldn’t a “global killer” meteor heading our way in 2 days be easier to deflect with a nuked up SpaceX rocket than ETs popping up anywhere, anytime, to do God knows what? Earlier on the “Event Horizon” podast, House Oversight Cte member Burchett was more realistic, if suped up, in conceding extraterrestrial life forms could have technology humanity “can’t handle … If they’re out there, they’re out there, and if they have this kind of technology, then they could turn us into a charcoal briquette … And if they can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen, & physics as we know it, fly underwater, don’t show a heat trail … then we are vastly out of our league.” Elon, are you listening? Continued Burchett: “We can’t handle it … We couldn’t fight them off if we wanted to …” Elon?

Davd Soul


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