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UIC Fails To Pierce Che Day Protest

Talk about a lib shooting his politically correct agenda in the foot by threatening conservative student group’s sidewalk rally to end “Che Day” that for yrs has celebrated the brutish Communist revolutionary.

The fact that the pro-Che administrator is from my undergrad University of Illinois at Chicago didn’t catch my eye as much as the nationally-syndicated Fox News Network story telling us about him and his defense of the Marxist. The Young America’s Foundation students, you see, were handing out fliers on a sidewalk outside a school building arguing that Che is really infamous for “vicious campaigns to impose Communism on countries throughout Latin America” and Vance Pierce, associate director of UIC’s Center for Student Involvement, didn’t like them being involved in this way. In a video shared by the YAF, Vance is heard suggesting the students at their table were violating some of the public school “policies.” And, he allegedly threatened to “file a complaint” with the dean of students office for “disciplinary action” if they didn’t shake their booty across the street to another public sidewalk that wasn’t controlled by UIC. Never mind that YAF has been holding “educational” anti-Che rallies at UIC and campuses across the country for years.

Fox says the students in the video are heard saying they would dismantle the table & leave. Said Jerwyn Castillo, chair of UIC’s YAF chapter, “It’s scary that we may face disciplinary action simply because we passed out literature critical of a communist murderer & terrorist.” Well, Jerwyn, at least now that tens of thousands will see your quote on Fox, tens of thousands will be a bit better educated about Che than before Pierce tried to shut your free speech fliers down.

Davd Soul


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