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Ukraine Has Bioweapons & Fears Putin Might Get Them?

As Putin’s punks rape Ukraine with the US military mostly watching on the sidelines, Fox’s Tucker Carlson reminds “someone needs to explain why [& how] there are dangerous biological weapons in Ukraine” in first place.

The surreal development, in the always bizarre Ukraine tale with Biden family in or around it, had Tucker almost hyperventilating in a recent monologue: “If you had told us just four days ago that the Biden administration was funding secret bio labs in Ukraine of all places, we would not have believed you. Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to put that on TV. No thanks. Then, if you told us that not only did the administration fund these secret bio labs in Ukraine, but that they then failed to secure the deadly contents of those labs before the Russian invasion – an invasion they knew was coming, an invasion they helped encourage – we would have dismissed you as a nut…”

Well what if that very story HAD been covered by the USA Today, a MSM mouthpiece, only to REBUT the crazy rumors about secret Ukrainian bio labs in a pieced titled “Fact check: False claim of US biolabs in Ukraine tied to Russian disinformation campaign.” As Tucker noted, the “fact check” was based on “unnamed sources” from Ukraine & within the Biden administration; but then all of a sudden on March 8, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted to Sen. Marco Rubio during a Foreign Relations Cte hearing that, yes, Ukraine HAS biological weapons in a “biological research facility, which in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops…may be seeking to control.” Not to worry, she assured, “we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.” Tucker wants to know how one of the poorest nations got bioweapons & whether US “funded” the research to get them ala the Covid-19 that never came from a Wuhan lab funded partly with US tax dollars. Reasonable ask, no? UPDATE: This morning's WSJ reports WH denies "bioweapons" are in Ukraine after all ... more in tomorrow's follow up post ....

Davd Soul


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