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Ultra-Process Crap New Health Emergency?

Doctor says USA is facing “national health emergency” as up to 60% of our food intake now consists of unhealthy processed crap. Reminded of 60s when groceries were loaded with sickening MSG & nitrates?

It was Physician Dr. Mark Hyman who wanted to “unmask” the dirty little secret of the “ultra-processed” food & nutrition industry on “Tucker Carlson Today.” He argued an alarming number of Americans are in poor health, but don’t realize the “root cause” which may more sinister than they realize. “Our diet is 60% ultra-processed food & [with] kids its 67% … For every 10% of your calories [that] is ultra-processed food [aka foods unrecognizable from its original form], your risk of death goes up by 14%.” Put another way: “There’s 6 million people [who] have died from COVID globally, but 11 million people die every year from bad food.”

As Dr. Hyman notes by way of example, “Cancer primarily is caused by food & environmental toxins. What kind of food? Sugar … We [also] know clearly that pancreatic, colon, breast, prostate & many of the common cancers are caused by something called insulin resistance, which is basically pre-diabetes or poor metabolic health.” Reminds me of the 60s when Monosodium Glutamate or MSB spilled over from Chinese food & soy sauce & was introduced as a preservative & flavor enhancer in so many of our cereals, frozen foods & what not. Ask Chicago’s Diamond Headache Clinic how it became known to give many people an unexpected “buzz” & then as a prevalent “migraine trigger”. 60 Minutes did a segment on it & the US food industry said at the time it “only” affected 2-5% of the population; it took years to get the chemical out of our general food supply (although I notice it’s sneakily being worked back in, i.e., if I’m reading some of the “ingredients” notices required by the FDA).

Davd Soul


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