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Unlocked Mental Health Crises “Next Pandemic”?

Biden’s “crisis in guns ‘n racism” ain’t the nation’s core problem, but facing “The Next Pandemic” aka “Mental Health” is, says WSJ’s Henninger. “Warehousing” the sick in the head will no longer do?

“Out of sight and out of mind” was Biden’s & society’s way of dealing with the mentally ill, but “that is ending.” According to Henninger, “They are everywhere—on the streets, in our homes, our schools and prisons. Emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, America is overflowing with people suffering from a broad range of mental disturbance. Mental illness is the US’s next pandemic.”

Not that many shrinks, even the progressive kind, didn’t warn us as the government-induced Covid lockdowns dragged on and on … even before studies they love to cite started to document that the draconian measures were likely to start triggering mental health illnesses by the bushel. And, now, we’re seeing extreme manifestations almost on a regular basis, the “Buffalo mass-murder” being the most horrific. The columnist thinks it’s “another case study in how the US looks past this problem.” Think, too, the Parkland, Fla, mass murderer, then, the Va. Tech murders. Common thread: There were clear and early signs the perpetrators were deeply disturbed and more than capable of harming others in a big way. Yet, no one did anything about it. Concludes Henninger: “Signals aren’t missed. They are ignored” and replaced by “a largely irrelevant search for motive.”

Davd Soul


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