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Unshamed Hunter, James Soil Fam Name?

Impeachment be damned, but so should the blatant sale of Joe Biden’s “public” influence now confirmed, WSJ says, by the 450 pages of “Biden Family Depositions” before Congress, as Hunter & James were finally put under oath.


While the paper’s editorial board suggests the best penalty for No. 46 would be a drubbing in November by voters rather than yet another impeachment that would be blocked by political supporters, the depos show a far cry from “Democratic claims that they show nothing wrong.” Rather, the “testimony confirms the story of political influence peddling & family profiteering. Even if he didn’t get a dime himself, Joe Biden WILLINGLY assisted his son Hunter & brother James in schemes to cash in on the Biden family name.” Indeed, “under hours of questioning, Hunter & James acknowledged unsavory facts revealed by prior witnesses.”


To wit: “Hunter finally admitted that former partner James Gilliar WAS referring to Joe when he envisioned an equity partnership that included ‘10 held by H for the big guy’ as part of a 2017 deal with Chinese energy company CEFC.” Son of Joe also “confirmed former business partner Tony Bobulinski’s testimony of a meeting that same year in LA with Hunter, James, Tony & Joe in the midst of the CEFC deal-making talks;” nor did he ‘contest’ former partner Rob Walker’s testimony that Hunter introduced Joe to the CEFC chairman in NY.” Hunter even “conceded former partner Devon Archer’s testimony that Joe showed up at business dinners” with Kazakhstan & Russian oligarchs & that he put dad on speakerphone during other meetings. Per Bobulinski, those calls with Joe were engineered to “enable the transaction.” Explained the Bo, “Burisma would have gone out of business if it didn’t have the brand attached to it.” While the Bidens still insisted all this and much more was a mere “coincidence”, the WSJ editors concluded in was anything but Russian disinformation: “The interviews verified Hunter & James made a bundle [over $20 million] from their overseas works, though both struggled to describe what they provided in return.”


Davd Soul


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