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Unwoke Teacher Cancelled Out

What’s wrong with this picture? We’re told “Cancel Culture Gets a Free Legal Pass” as a teacher is sacked for anti-progressive views on Tic Tok & lib 1st Circuit Crt of Appeals says no 1st Amendment problem.


As the WSJ explained: “Kari MacRae’s trouble started when she ran unchallenged in 2021 for a seat on the school board in Bourne, Mass, on a promise to fight woke values. ‘The reason why I’m taking on this responsibility is to ensure that students … are not being taught critical race theory.’ She also shared anti-woke memes such as a muscular man wearing a sports bra at a girl’s track meet with the caption ‘Equality doesn’t always mean equity’ … Her board colleagues & the local teachers union denounced her. A newspaper report about her posts prompted a complaint by another teacher & the district fired her. Its stated reason? Her ‘social media posts would have a significant negative impact on student learning.’”


The editors noted, Ms. MacRae did not violate her professional code of conduct or even utter an anti-woke word in the classroom. She sued the district for retaliating against her for simply exercising her 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech on her own time. The district’s reply? “The supposed interest in preventing disruption to learning trumped Ms. MacRae’s speech rights” and a 1st Circuit panel agreed, saying a public employee’s 1st Amendment Rights are “not absolute.” However, the WSJ counters, thanks to this unprecedented ruling, “A teacher could be fired for hanging a ‘Make America Great Again’ flag at home … and … Political activity during college years could become grounds for dismissal.” The sad truth about the panel’s ruling is that “Workers who don’t agree with the left’s cultural mores may now have to self-censor in private life to avoid losing their jobs.” As Donald Trump says, these libs aren’t “only coming after me, they are coming after you.” Hopefully, here comes the Supreme Court to the rescue yet again.


Davd Soul


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