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UofC Covid Study Vindicates Fla’s “Gov DeathSentence”

Fla Gov DeSantis was derided as “Gov DeathSentence” for keeping his state “open” for education & business as well as life. But U of Chicago’s study 2 yrs later shows his take was equal to Ca on “mortality” rates & put the dreamers to shame on the rest.

In fact, “the correlation between health and economy scores is essentially zero,” the professors concluded, “which suggests that states that withdrew the most from economic activity did not significantly improve health by doing so.” You won’t see too many progressives coupling this U of Chicago Covid smackdown with the John Hopkins study concluding Covid lockdowns had virtually no impact on taming the disease; rather, they’ll struggle to “debunk” it like any study that doesn’t jive with their narrative.

Is there any wonder that Dr. Fauci is finally flip-flopping again and now saying future government mandates should be more of an “individual” choice?

Davd Soul


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