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US Chamber Takes Dem Promises in Keister?

Big business & US Chamber of Commerce have always played both sides of the aisle in Congress & it’s often made ‘em chumps … now, the business lobby has gotten almost nada for helping Speaker Pelosi crotch-kick ‘em.

Go figure. As the WSJ editorial board noted: “The US Chamber of Commerce may be the nation’s premier business lobby, but it could use some counseling on its political investments. The lobby’s bet in 2020 that supporting ‘centrist’ House Democrats would protect against anti-business policies has been a bust.” How bad? Let the WSJ count the ways.

“Every one of the [so-called centrist Dems] voted for the $1.9 trillion spending bill in March 2020, despite Chamber opposition to sweeping jobless benefits that stoked labor shortages and stimulus checks that fed inflation. They also voted for the PRO Act, a radical pro-union rewrite of labor law. Now comes the big moment of truth as the Schumer-Manchin tax and spend bill [the Chamber hates] heads to the House for a crucial vote this week. The chance of Democratic defections is slim.” How slim? Ask AG Garland who was unable to resist the radical progressive pressure to issue that foolish raid on Trump’s home for no logical reason other than they wanted a high-profile, if foolish, stunt to embarrass No. 45 yet again and before the mid-term elections in November. For some reason, the Chamber, like the radical pols, never seem to learn.

Davd Soul


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