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US Farm Products Rot In ‘Other’ Supply Chain Crisis

The “other” supply chain crisis is scary too as “American farmers can’t ship food abroad to buyers because foreign tankers won’t take it,” thereby destroying “millions of dollars” in value for the U.S. while disingenuously aiding the foreign competition.

Fox Business notes it’s the “opposite” of the supply chain crisis that’s making it harder for many gifts to get distributed WITHIN the U.S. According to Rep. Dusty Johnson of S.D., the Asian ocean carriers are especially “unfairly discriminating against American cargo”. The foreigners’ old dog trick: “They are offloading foreign goods in U.S. ports then simply sprint back to the Asia so they can bring [still] more goods back to the U.S.” to pile up still more in the West Coast ports.

One example of the consequences: “You look at Valley Queen,” said Rep. Johnson. “They’re a cheese manufacturer in South Dakota … [that] … had 2 million pounds of already sold lactose that has been sitting in a warehouse just waiting for a shipment … for 75 days … [and] … sitting on a dock spoiling.” It’s happening to farmers across America, the GOP Congressman noted, and there’s no end in sight. He’s proposing new legislation to force an end to the unfair business practice he’s describing. But, of course, that would take a helpful push from the Dem-controlled Congress & Biden Administration that is currently having trouble enacting its own $2T-$4T “Build Back Better” agenda. Meanwhile, the export supply chain crisis worsens …

Davd Soul


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