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US Gaslighting Enemies & Elon On UFOs?

WSJ’s Holman Jenkins has a fascinating theory suggesting secret high tech government tricks or treats are behind the newly-admitted “UFO or UAP phenomenon” & are INTENDED to scare the bejesus out of Putin, Xi & Kim.

In “Putin & the UFO Sightings,” Holman Jenkins goes so far as to say “the debate over UAP [UFO’s] may herald not alien visitors but destabilizing [USA] weapons systems.” He says UFOs can’t be secret Russian systems after Putin’s low tech Ukraine invasion, so exactly where and by whom are the most “credible alleged sightings? They’ve been “by US military pilots in training missions in airspace reserved for US military training operations.” He concludes: “If the objects are real and the product of any government, they’re likely ours.”

Mind you, Jenkins warns, “such technology would be destabilizingly risky and likely would not be revealed by any power that had it. If the mysterious sightings are what they seem to be – impossibly speedy, impossibly maneuverable small flying objects – they would upset the nuclear balance. The presumably unmanned systems could be used to destroy nuclear forces quickly and thoroughly on the ground, without resorting to nuclear weapons … Between a feature and a bug would be the inevitability of their being observed by trained personnel using military-grade instruments. The [most recent] DNI report ironically allows that secret government programs may indeed explain the sightings.” Huh? Are we “gaslighting” our foreign enemies? Or, is the UFO “show” an orchestrated test of our real capabilities – including the ability to “spoof human eyeballs and sensors into seeing them -- are revealed”? Ask Elon? He’ll know.

Davd Soul


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