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US Hiring Stumbles As Bumbling Lockdowns 2b Down

US hiring “stumbled” in November as its economy added just 210K new jobs rather than the 550K Biden’s economic gurus had predicted & WSJ suggested why in its op ed “Omicron Reinfects Government” & its inability to shed its failed lockdown policies.

Fox’s Tucker Carlson argued in his “Tyranny is coming unless someone stops Democrats’ COVID power grab,” the Swamp MSM Pharma Academia complex has gained too much power, made too much money, in the last two years by milking the pandemic cow to let it go. Instead of focusing on protecting the most vulnerable at risk populations from the get go, they’ve insisted (like President Biden still insists) they could “stamp out” the always mutating virus by controlling EVERYONE’s lives with never-ending, ever-increasing draconian lockdown policies. And, why not? WE keep silent while MORE PEOPLE DIED FROM COVID IN 2021 THAN IN 2020 under Biden’s & Fauci’s “health care” leadership.

Another Fox opinion piece concluded “Biden’s COVID task force is a failure & urgently needs a shakeup.” But, what good would that do if the government’s new players still embrace the top down leadership's underlying premise that COVID (unlike influenza) can somehow be totally eradicated quickly? Fox notes that Mr. Biden has belatedly begun to “hedge” in now saying his promised end of COVID by last summer may take “awhile longer.” But, doesn’t that mean “it’s only a matter of time, so keep up the good lockdown work?”

Davd Soul


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